Photo walk „In Bloom“: capturing moments with Geit Eero
13th of August 18–21
Fotografiska invites you to a photo walk with Geit Eero. Inspired by the exhibition "In Bloom," we aim to explore the contradictions between humans and nature. Bring along that crazy camera collecting dust in the corner – you're just as welcome with your phone, because your main tool will be your eyes. The important thing is that you feel comfortable taking photos with the camera or phone you bring.
In Geit's words, "let's unleash creativity" and see what happens, with surprises awaiting along the way.
The photo tour starts at Fotografiska – we will look at Geit Eero's work, draw inspiration to observe, and get some tips for capturing moments outside the building. The photo tour will be a shared experience of exchanging insights through photography. At the end, we will gather again at Fotografiska, discuss, and review the participants' favorite moments.
* The photo tour lasts approximately 3 hours and is in Estonian.
* Participation does not include an exhibition visit.
* Ticket 15 €
Geit Eero
Photographer Geit Eero, with his keen eye and ability to capture moments on the streets, has captivated almost half a million followers on Instagram (geit.eero). Whether he is using a point-and-shoot camera, a phone, or a rare camera, the artistic result of an everyday moment through his eye always offers a surprise.